Tuesday, November 30, 2010

{team driver} a simple farewell

It's been a tough week personally for our little family. First, my aunt passed away last week and last night we said farewell to the furriest member of Team Driver... our beloved kitty, Nicholas.
Nicky blessed my life for 18 years and J's for 12. The house seems quiet this morning. It's the little things that are so familiar...his collar clanging on the side of his bowl as he eats breakfast, the touch of his paw on my leg to let me know he needs a head rub, the tilted head when he wants to share my breakfast...the familiar little things we take for granted but miss so much when they're gone.

Take a step back today. Look for those familiar little things. Things you love. Cherish them. Then hug the stuffing out of your family today!

Stay tuned to Oink! for more inspiration....


  1. oh no! I am so sorry to hear :o( many, many hugs!

    Kim @ Party Frosting!

  2. Thanks, Kim! Lots of hugs are going around the office today!

  3. I know how this time feels like so I send my warm wishes today. I am so sorry.


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